
Year of Call: 2014

Leonid practises in all areas of commercial law.  He previously worked as a solicitor at King & Wood Mallesons in commercial litigation and dispute resolution and as the Associate to the former Chief Justice of Queensland, the Hon Paul de Jersey AC. 

Leonid has acted in a large number of commercial disputes for both domestic and international clients.  He regularly appears in Court, both led and unled, including at the appellate level.

Leonid has also acted in a broad range of complex succession law matters, including the administration of multiple estates worth several hundred million dollars, including an estate in which companies controlled by the deceased had invested about $100 million in property and shares both in Australia and overseas.  

In September 2021, Leonid was appointed as one of the Counsel Assisting in the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. In addition to his general practice, he continues to be engaged in that role.   

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North Quarter Lane Chambers is one of the largest and most experienced commercial barristers' chambers in Queensland.

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