
Year of Call: 2002
Year of Silk: 2020

Gavin Handran is an experienced advocate and leading silk specialising in commercial disputes, insolvency, corporations, professional negligence and insurance matters, nationally. He is also a nationally accredited mediator.

He is ranked in the Doyle’s Guide as a Leading Senior Counsel in Queensland (2024) and Australia (2022) in Insolvency and Restructuring, as a Recommended Senior Counsel in Queensland (2024) for Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution, and as a Leading Mediator in Queensland (2023). He is also recognised in the Australian Financial Review’s The Best Lawyers in Australia (2025)  in the fields of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Commercial Law and Litigation.

Gavin regularly appears in superior courts at first instance and on appeal, often in complex cases involving substantial quantum. His recent work includes:

  • In the matter of Big Pineapple Corporation Pty Ltd: appearing in the Supreme Court of QLD in a dispute between joint venturers on insolvency issues.
  • Robson (as former trustee of the estate of Samsakopoulos v Body Corporate for Sanderling at Kings Beach CTS 2942: appearing before the Full Bench of the Full Court of the Federal Court in an appeal concerning the scope of power exercised by the Federal Circuit Court upon review of a delegated decision by a Registrar.
  • Kaminski v Monsour: appearing in the Federal Court in bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Springfield City Group Pty Ltd v PIPE Networks: appearing in the Supreme Court of QLD in a commercial trial of a claim concerning a contract to provide dark fibre to the city of Springfield in proceedings before the Supreme Court of QLD.
  • GGPG Pty Ltd v Golden Eagle Property Group Pty Ltd: appearing in the Supreme Court of QLD for a receiver to obtain a mandatory injunction (nomination to purchase) of an option agreement, and in related proceedings now before the Federal Court of Australia.
  • Hamer & Anor v Parity Partners Pty Ltd: appearing in the Supreme Court of QLD for investors in an unregistered managed investments scheme in various proceedings seeking production of trust documents and the appointment of a receiver.
  • Hilas & Anor v GGPG Developments (No 133) Pty Ltd & Anor: appearing in the Supreme Court of QLD concerning the validity of notices issued under an option deed.
  • Port Binli Pty Ltd & Anor v North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation Ltd: appearing in the Federal Court for plaintiffs in a claim concerning substantial marine infrastructure.
  • Al-Freah & Anor v Thompson & Anor: commercial trial in the Supreme Court of QLD in a contractual dispute between medical practitioners concerning an intention to be bound. 
  • Bluepoint Properties Pty Ltd & Anor v Zuri Properties Pty Ltd & Anor: commercial trial in the Supreme Court of QLD of a claim for loss of a commercial opportunity to acquire and develop land.
  • The Body Corporate for Bretts Wharf CBC v BC for Lancaster & Ors: appearing in a complex dispute concerning a mixed-use development.
  • Dipika Investments Pty Ltd v Australian Liquid Distribution Pty Ltd: appearing in the Supreme Court of QLD concerning a contract dispute following the sale of a business.

Gavin also has substantial experience appearing for clients in matters of significance in regulatory investigations and in inquests.



North Quarter Lane Chambers is one of the largest and most experienced commercial barristers' chambers in Queensland.

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